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4 docs tagged with "#fantasy"

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A little Hatred

The thrilling sequel to the first Law and its follow-up books. Set in an industrial revolution age, class struggle, money, and power are keywords. The characters are fascinating and funny in that you can see their faults even by following their perspective.

Best served Cold

The book is set in a different place than the first law, but a lot of the characters from the first law series are there and it is very much connected. It follows a mercenary woman and her quest for revenge. It is filled with betrayals.

The blade Itself

This is the introductory. book in the first law series/world. It is the beginning of the adventure of the main heroes of the first law trilogy. Most of it pertains to mundane tasks and world-building.

The Wisdom of Crowds

Last book (for now) in the first law series. It is a good and interesting fantasy book in that it emulates the French Revolution. I quite liked it and how it portrays a turbulent age where power dictates the fate of life.