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6 docs tagged with "leadership"

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Extreme Ownership

Leif and Jocko go through their combat experiences in combat and the lessons in leadership that they have learned from them. They break down concepts, explain why they are important for the SEALS, and highlight them in the business context as well.


Here, I write about my management learnings, both good and bad. I have been quite fortunate to work with great managers, and this has inspired me to incorporate a lot of their wisdom into the way I work.


This book addresses the elephant in the software room, that people, not tech, are the obstacle. Tech is just there to be applied; solving the problem requires a lot of people and knowledge to go the right way. It also addresses how to solve this problem for humans.

The First World War

This book is about the history of the great world war. It covers the major strategic themes and goes in-depth on the conflicts outside of the Western front. It is a book that focuses on the war and only the war.

The Manager's Path

This book is for technical people who aspire to become great leaders. Camille goes through her experiences and discusses what is required of you at each step of the ladder to management. She discusses how to act as a technical manager, how to interact with people and direct reports and identify issues.

Turn the Ship Around

This book is about the leadership-leadership principle, where leaders are encouraged to enable other leaders below them in the hierarchy to evolve and take ownership. This book contains the implementation of the leader-leader principle onboard a nuclear submarine and how it went.