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5 docs tagged with "motivation"

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Habits are what you do automatically when a cue is triggered. There are two books on habit that I recommend. One is Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg, and another is Atomic Habits by James Clear. Both of those books are a good starting point.


Living for me is taking advantage of things that are dear to me and making a small impact in the world. I am strict with myself in order to be kind to others. My relationships with people do not drive me but instead make the drive possible. They provide the safety net that enables me to be bold and daring.


Motivation for me is being able to intrinsically make the right decision. This implies that motivation is not driven by external factors in this definition. By removing external factors, motivation simply becomes a function of want and mental energy.

Spark The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

Spark is basically about how exercise is good for your brain as well as your body. Most of the book tells in allegories how exercise helps people become more focused and that by stopping exercising we are losing out on important functions for the brain as well as the body.

Your Brain at Work

This book is about how you can understand and work on your performance by understanding how the brain works. The book goes through different scenarios and explains why the persons in the scenario do what they do and what they can do to achieve better results. The book contains helpful hints about how to "hack" your brain to achieve better results and improve your life.