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6 docs tagged with "political-science"

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It is often called the dismal science. More than any other science, it is one of the most challenging sciences, as it is almost impossible to conduct experiments.

Imagined Communities

It is a kinda of half Marxist, half academic book about how language primarily shaped nation-states and how written language is the primary factor of nationalism. Imagined comities, aka the nation as a concept, are shaped by languages.

Survival of the Savvy

This book is about navigating the corporate world of politics and still remaining a high-integrity individual. It contains guides on how to understand the world of corporate politics and not becomming a pawn. It contains realistic scenarios and is

The Dictator's Handbook

Nobody rules alone. In order to rule you need to reward your supporters. Everyone who wastes money is likely to be replaced by those who don't. The more concentrated your supporting groups are, the more power is given to them.

Thinking in Systems

This book is about understanding and conveying how the system works and how you can use systems thinking to understand the world differently. Systems have mechanisms that govern their behavior, and system thinking allows you to model how the system behaves when manipulating it.

Why Orwell Matters

Hitchens calmly and effectively demolishes the right, the left, and all others who have taken Orwell's name in vain. He delves into the absurd scenarios in 1984 and Animal Farm and highlights the same exact scenarios from real-life scenarios. Imperialism, Fascism, and Communism, the great calamities of the 19th century, are shown through the lens of Orwell, and also how he always lands on the right side of history.