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4 docs tagged with "thinking"

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In order to make better decisions, I try to structure and stabilize the process for making big decisions. I define a big decision as a decision that will affect you every day of your life for no shorter than 3 months or for a large duration of time every year (Every weekend for the rest of the year for example). This means that things such as accepting a job offer and moving in with your spouse to a new place are categorized as big decisions.


This book is about systems, why they exist, and the rules that govern them. The book dives into the fundamentals of human-made systems and pokes fun at the tribulations of complicated systems and how humans often fail to comprehend the systems.


Here, I write about ways of thinking about the world and the whys and hows. I am fascinated by how we as a species behave and act and how we can improve as a species.

Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

This book is a philosophical work, wrapped in a story of a father and son travelling around the US. It concerns thoughts about quality, understanding things, and appreciation of the process itself. It also discusses quality in a philosophical setting.