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7 docs tagged with "working"

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I have worked as a consultant and would like to share the knowledge from that experience here.


Here, I write about industries I have worked in, their different aspects and how to navigate them. They serve as a reference point for me to evolve my understanding of the segment and to help onboard new people in a good and understandable way. It is meant as a storage of my experience and domain knowledge of particular industries.

Job Searching

The interview is about practice; if you want to get good at interviewing, you must practice. Interviewing is 90 % practice.


I am fascinated by productivity and always look for ways to increase my productivity. As I am only one person, I must maximize the amount of work I can do to the greatest extent possible.

The Fifth Discipline

This book is about apporaching the difficulties of organizations and businesses using system thinking. It goes through the issues at hand, and how some problems are related to the system in itself rather than people. The goal is to create organizations that learn to work in this context.


I have currently worked in different types of work. From being a driver to being a moving operator, to a warehouse Employee, and finally, a Data Scientist.