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I try to limit the applications and moreover, I limit the notifications as much as possible. The apps are business and want your money or attention. Make the apps work for you, not the other way around.

I have struggled a lot with the good note-taking application on my phone, and I wish it were easier for me to store information either as a note or a speech that I can return to later. A dream scenario was calling on Siri to speak about what I was thinking, then moving on and only later accessing the notes.


I use streaks to measure my daily and weekly routines. I think it is an okay app, and I like the statistics. It can also be quite useful as a motivational piece. I find that the daily habits I usually have good "streaks" on are those I do at the beginning of the day. Most of the negative streaks have been useful as well. I feel most of the week's type of streaks are mostly to get an understanding of how I am doing, nice for recording things.

Day One

Day One is a journaling application. I try to use it as a small reminder and a recap of the last day. It is smart to have some small updates every day, and I also use it as a tasklist with some degree of success. I also use it to record the number of daily push-ups I do. I have a daily note that I like, and I think, to be honest, I am not using that well. I probably could expand this to use it more concisely and expand the journaling. It has a paid tier, but I'm not exactly sure if I even want to.


I use the DrinkControl app to register the number of drinks I have and the amount of money I spend on them. I use this to be more aware of the number of drinks I consume, which really helps limit my consumption. Also, it is a good reminder about the amount of money I spend. It also has integrations with Apple Health, which are pretty helpful. To be honest my drinking banner is basically always in the red, but In have limited consumption considerably based on this applicaiton. The export to other data sources functionality is behind a paywall.


Tody is a nice app that is used to maintain a schedule for cleaning and organizing. I found it to be a good reminder app for household chores and what they imply. Using this I can outsource the thinking of the chores making the app a bit of a bossy mom figure, and I just have to complete the tasks.


Keeper is the app I use to store my passwords; I find it to be a tremendously helpful tool and am very happy about it. It costs a lot of money, but I think that not worrying enough about getting hacked is worth it. Just having a randomly generated password that is unique basically makes you unhackable. My most critical passwords are for Keeper and my personal bank-access identification (Norway has something called BankID). Those two I never share with anyone.

