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To me, Milano is a city that is too big. If you go there, there are some cool things i recommned.

  • Take the trolleys; they are quite cool. I think you can actually order a restaurant trolley trip, where you eat while the trolley drives around Milano.
  • Visit the Duomo.
  • Go and have an apertivo; go for the more expensive variants, as the cheap ones are not that good. It is worth the expense. Try the canal district Navigli.


Venezia is quite a nice place to visit. Also, I think that it really lives up to its reputation. I visited in February, which meant that it was out of season. If you go there, a trip to Burano is a must, go there, look at the glassmakers, and enjoy. I also managed to look at the gondola steermen practice. I don't have many recommendations for restaurants or other experiences. But it's definitely a place to visit.

Firenze (Florence)

My favorite place to visit in Italy, and probably the whole world. I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere, where you could feel the hundreds of years of history. It feels different to walk around there, as Vitaly Katselson put it, a place where the coffee tables are older than the United States (Also a good thing to mention to any loud Americans who need some grounding).

Firenze is also a place that is not that large, and it is moreover a place where walking is recommended. Take time to walk around town and observe the art and the history of such a place.

I always envisioned that if I ever was to propose, it should be in Firenze.

Good Places to Visit in Firenze

  • The Duomo for pictures.
  • Ponte Vecchio is a bridge with a rich History. Due to its significant cultural value, it was not destroyed during the Second World War. Sometimes, it is nice that during such horrendous things as war, some things are still valued and not destroyed.
  • 4 Leoni My aboslute favorite resutrant. Order the house wine and the Osso Bucco. Top it off with a desert, and if you are bold, a grappa.
  • Piazzale Michelangelo, Catch the sunset there before going to the 4Leoni restaurant for dinner. Enjoy with a beer (Birra Moretti is a favorite) or an Aperol.
  • If you want to visit the museums, take note that the lines are long and you should probably look into booking beforehand.


Greve is a small town in the Chianti District, a beautiful pearl in flowery Toscana. Sitting down and eating gelato there is the perfect ambiance. Combine it with a wine-tasting trip at a winery.

  • Greve has a wine festival.
  • Take a walking tour around Greve, it is not that long of a hike.


I quite liked Napoli, I felt like there was a lot of cool stuff to do there, and it was a nice place to walk around. One thing I quickly learned is that there are a large number of street vendors selling everything from Barcelona shirts to fake Gucci. I recommend doing the following things there:

  • Visit the fort
  • Having authentic Naples pizza.
  • Going on trips outside of the city, Vesuvio etc.

Best Experiences

  • Firenze
  • Walking in Napoli
  • Wine tasting at a vineyard.


  • Wines from Tuscany, preferably Chianti Classicos.
  • Probably the best things to bring back from Italy are the food experience and the inspiration you can bring home.


  • Try the Wines
  • 4Leoni in Firenze
  • Osso Bucco is a good favorite.
  • Having an espresso between battles (read: Museum visits) is a must. Enjoy it standing.
  • I did a food and cooking class there, which was quite fun. (Humble brag, but they confused me for a professional chef :D). I had a good time there but got quite drunk from the wine they served; it was a good experience.



  • The gelatos sold near the historical places (Ponte Vecchio, Venezia, etc.) are insanely expensive.